How to Get Debt Collectors to Stop Calling

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Interested in knowing how to get debt collectors to stop calling? If you have been in debt for some time and you have not faced the responsibilities for it you may find yourself regularly receiving phone calls from creditors and debt collectors. When your creditor has extreme difficulty acquiring funds from you this is when they may sell your debt to a debt collection agency. Debt collection agencies often use borderline harassment in order to make you face your debts and pay them back. Debt collectors will often call you at work, at inconvenient hours and more.

Although there is the fair debt collection act it does have a list of rules for how a debt collector will contact you and other people that you’re associated with, a number of debt collection agencies will push the limit. If a debt collector is regularly calling your workplace or your employer this is technically illegal under the set of laws that they are governed by. Damages for these harassing calls could amount to up to $1000 for each call if you were to get a lawyer involved.

Reading up on FDCPA codes with regards to contact canal to prepare you for a conversation with your debt collection agency. Often a quiet reminder to a debt collector that they are unauthorized to contact you during those hours or at your workplace can help to protect you from being harassed or intimidated during certain hours of the day.

Working with a lawyer or debt negotiator could also help you to draft a cease-and-desist letter for your debt collectors to stop calling you. Drafting an agreement for which you will repay your debts in exchange for a stoppage in the harassing phone calls and messages can often help you if you face a debt.

Do some upfront research and be prepared the next time that a debt collector calls. If you are willing to negotiate or cite their illegal activities you can often be spared from harassment in an ongoing sense. If you are being harassed by debt collectors and you feel they are violating the guidelines of the FDCPA, you should contact the legal representative immediately.

This post was written by Trey Wright, a bankruptcy attorney in Tallahassee. Trey is one of the founding partners of Bruner Wright, P.A. Attorneys at Law, which specializes in areas related to bankruptcy law, estate planning, and business litigation.