While it is a great way to get a fresh financial start after running in to monetary trouble, filing for bankruptcy isn’t as simple as just completing a piece of paper and then getting excuses from one’s debts.

There are actually different types of bankruptcy, a Chapter 7, a Chapter 13 and, for businesses and some individuals with lots of assets, a Chapter 11. Moreover, no matter the type of bankruptcy, a Tallahassee family is going to have to make same tradeoffs and also live with the fact that there are some limitations to the bankruptcy process.

In some cases, it may make more sense not to file bankruptcy but to purse some other options, including a direct negotiation with one’s creditors.

It’s not always easy to know which direction to turn, particularly if one is already dealing with the stress of mounting debt and not having enough to keep the problem from getting worse.

Perhaps one of the most important aspects of our jobs at this law office is to help our clients formulate the best plan possible for getting debt relief while keeping their other financial needs and goals in mind. In other words, we don’t see our work as limited to filling out paperwork as our client requests, although of course doing so is very important as well.

Instead, we help them to use to law to achieve their debt relief goals to the fullest extent possible, and this means exploring all the legal options available to our clients so they can make the best decision for themselves and their families.