According to a recent report prepared by a government office in another state, Floridians are prone to falling behind on their credit card bills.

In this report, delinquencies included credit card payments that were over 90 days overdue. Nationally, 7.5 percent of all credit card debt was delinquent. Using this as a basis of comparison, in 2017, Florida was almost 1.5 percent over the national average, with about nine percent of Florida credit card debt being delinquent.

These numbers give Florida the dubious distinction of being the state with the third highest credit card delinquency rate. What is interesting about this statistic is that Floridians are not exceptional when it comes to carrying large credit card balances. Per capita, Floridians did not rank in the top ten states with the highest credit card debt load, meaning that the average per person credit card debt in Florida is at least close to the national average.

It would therefore be safe to say that Floridians do not have a significant problem with running up credit card balances. However, for whatever reason, many people in Tallahassee and the other communities of this state find it a struggle to pay their credit card bills on time.

While it might not always be the best option, those Floridians who are struggling with credit card debt should consider bankruptcy as an option for obtaining financial relief. A bankruptcy can give a family breathing space when they are faced with mounting bills, and, in the long term, it may also be able to provide the family a fresh start in which they do not have to worry about their old credit card debts.